Ai Powered
Swap Fee Distribution

Protocol's revenues from swap transactions are transferred to the Hera Treasury. AI-powered VaultManager handles the distribution of these revenues.

Distribution Planningsouth


Ecosystem Funding

Hera's treasury project helps to develop and maintain revenue collection. It is designed to cover many facets of Hera's ecosystem.


Marketing & Development

The expenses required for the healthy operation of the aggregator and auxiliary applications are covered. It also provides the necessary funds for marketing activities.

Decision Maker:

Buy-back and
Liquidity Provide

According to the report recommendations presented by VaultManager, Hera tokens may be subject to buybacks from the market. Bought tokens can be held in the treasury, added to liquidity or transferred to the Staking Portal.

Decision Maker:

Rewards Pool

Funds are provided for staking portal rewards and rewards for app usage. It only trades for certain periods so that the pool can pay out sustainably. These transactions also include buy-back.

Decision Maker:

Periods of

Just like the distribution percentages, the artificial intelligence algorithm decides when the distribution will be made. Performs market analysis, checks token price and liquidities, monitors volumes and examines funds in the treasury; After all this, it sends a report to the team to take action.